European residential EPCs: the challenge to harmonise compulsory indicators of energy performance
In this new study, the European Sustainable Real Estate Initiative (ESREI), driven by OID, extends the analysis of EPCs in Europe that featured in its first publication, this time with a focus on residential EPCs. As housing was responsible for 27% of final energy consumption, 40% of gas demand, and 11.8% of CO2 emissions in […]
[EUROPEAN SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT WEEK] How do European countries regulatory frameworks deal with ESG issues in the real estate sector ?
A 10-countries overview by the OID Since 2021, the OID sponsored programme ESREI – European sustainable real estate initiative – brings together real estate stakeholders to discuss ESG issues and the situation regarding ESG regulations across Europe. This cross-country review aims to follow this line, by analysing how different countries manage ESG issues in real […]
Launch of the R4RE resilience analysis platform
A major challenge is coming for the real estate sector in Europe: improving the resilience of buildings. The Green Building Observatory is launching its R4RE – Resilience for Real Estate – platform to make building resilience analyses accessible in a few clicks. This will help guide future investments, thanks to a risk analysis compatible with […]
[ESREI’S One year anniversary] – The European OID initiative gives an overview of sustainable real estate regulations in European countries
The Green Building Observatory (OID in French) has launched a European programme in 2021, the European Sustainable Real Estate Initiative (ESREI). This OID sponsored programme brings together real estate stakeholders to discuss ESG issues and the situation regarding ESG regulations across Europe. Given the current challenges in terms of regulatory compliance, the question of our […]
Rapport du GIEC sur la vulnérabilité et l’adaptation : l’urgence à prendre en compte les interactions entre climat et sociétés
Le rapport du GIEC « Climate Change 2022 : Impacts, Adaptation and Vulnerability » publié le 28 février pose un constat sans appel : le changement climatique menace le bien-être humain et les écosystèmes. Les interactions entre climat et sociétés sont évidentes. C’est en réduisant les inégalités socio-économiques et en privilégiant une planification inclusive, long terme […]
COP26 : quelles conséquences pour le secteur de l’immobilier ?
La 26ème Conférence des Nations Unies pour le Changement Climatique (ou COP26 pour 26ème Conférence des Parties) s’est tenue à Glasgow du 31 octobre au 12 novembre 2021. Le 6ème rapport d’évaluation du Groupe d’experts intergouvernemental sur l’évolution du climat (GIEC), publié en août 2021, avait présenté des prévisions climatiques accablantes (cf. notre précédent article […]