GRESB results 2024 – raising the bar for future performance
Article written by Yang Liu. GRESB – the global real estate sustainability benchmark The real assets industry grapples with numerous intertwined challenges under the ESG umbrella, such as climate change, resource depletion, social inequality, and governance issues. These challenges can significantly affect the value, reputation, and resilience of real asset investments. Founded in 2009, GRESB […]
European elections 2024 – What could change for the real estate sector’s ecological transition?
Article written by Céline Lambert. European Union’s decisions are directly impacting the real estate sector by setting regulations transposed across Member States. Through its ESREI programme and its Sustainable Finance programme, the Observatoire de l’Immobilier Durable monitors and deciphers already existing and future EU regulations to guide the real estate sector in their implementation. Therefore, […]
Analyse des risques climatiques : quels enjeux d’usages pour Bat-ADAPT ?
Article rédigé par Lucie Goulet. Bat-ADAPT, où en sommes-nous ? L’utilisation de l’outil Bat-ADAPT a significativement augmenté au cours des dernières années, avec une multiplication par deux du nombre de bâtiments enregistrés dans la base au cours des six derniers mois. C’est dans ce contexte florissant que l’OID a souhaité mener une étude plus approfondie sur […]
Energy performance certificates: limits and outlook of a European tool
On November 2023, the OID’s ESREI programme published a fourth study on Energy Performance Certificates across Europe. This study is drawing on the lessons learned from the 3 previous parts, and adding new analysis, to offer pan-European players a dynamic overview of EPCs across Europe and over time. What’s at stake in the recast […]
Analysing European strategies on conservation and restoration measures: the project launched in partnership with Sciences Po
On October 2023, ESREI and BIG jointly kicked off a project in partnership with Sciences Po Urban School. A group of students will work on a European cross-country analysis to review the regulatory context and public policies regarding building and biodiversity in Europe. As international and European ambitions become clearer, the results of this work […]
Que retenir du projet de trajectoire de réchauffement de référence pour l’adaptation au changement climatique ?
S’appuyant sur l’expertise d’une équipe pluridisciplinaire sur le changement climatique et l’immobilier, et en consultation avec ses membres acteurs leaders de l’immobilier en France et en Europe, l’OID a répondu ce 15 septembre 2023 à la consultation publique organisée par le ministère de la transition écologique et de la cohésion des territoires. Le gouvernement consultait […]
[ESREI’S 2-YEAR ANNIVERSARY] – European non-residential EPCs: a loose framework for deeply needed indicators of energy performance
After almost two years of work on Energy Performance Certificates (EPCs) across Europe, the OID’s ESREI programme published a third and final study focusing on non-residential EPCs and office buildings. As non-residential buildings account for 25% of the European real estate stock, sustainability and decarbonation of those are essential to reach carbon neutrality by 2050. […]
Since 2022, the European Sustainable Real Estate Initiative (ESREI), driven by OID, is studying EPCs in Europe and already published 2 studies on the subject. As EPCs are part of the Energy Performance of Buildings Directive (EPBD) requirements, ESREI also worked on this directive to understand how it works and what framework it gives to […]
Quelles stratégies européennes et nationales adressent les risques naturels liés à l’eau ?
Depuis 2021, l’OID analyse la manière dont différents pays européens gèrent les questions ESG dans le secteur immobilier. Le sujet de l’adaptation est couvert dans les thématiques de travail de l’OID, et la façon dont chaque pays européen intègre le défi dans ses réglementations nationales a été abordée dans un article publié plus tôt dans […]
European and national strategies regarding water-related natural hazards
Since 2021, the OID sponsored programme ESREI – European sustainable real estate initiative – analyses how different countries manage ESG issues in the real estate sector. The subject of adaptation is covered by the OID’s publication, and the way each European country incorporate the challenge in their national regulations has been addressed in an article […]
Adaptation regulations in Europe: how European and national strategies deal with the challenge
Since 2021, the OID-sponsored programme ESREI – European sustainable real estate initiative – has been analysing how different countries manage ESG issues in the real estate sector. Adaptation, which is a major challenge at both global and European scales, is covered by a range of OID publications. Individual European countries face different challenges to adapt […]
L’adaptation dans la réglementation en Europe : comment les stratégies européennes et nationales relèvent le défi
Depuis 2021, l’OID analyse la manière dont différents pays gèrent les questions ESG dans le secteur immobilier. En tant qu’enjeu majeur de la question environnementale à l’échelle mondiale et européenne, l’adaptation est traitée par les différentes publications de l’OID. Chaque pays européen est confronté à des défis différents en matière d’adaptation et de gestion des […]